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The Power of a Tribe

The Power of a Tribe

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men." – Herman Melville

The term "tribe" has become well used as of late. As defined in the dictionary, a tribe is a group "consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader." Whew! A mouthful yes. But, necessary for each of us? Most definitely.

 As the modern world has advanced, our dependence on one another and our interconnectedness has steadily decreased. In many cases, we no longer have the "village" to help support, comfort, celebrate, carry, and nurture. This can often lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression as we feel more and more disconnected from those around us who in times past were the very fabric of the cloth that was meant to catch us and to lift us or to be a celebratory covering resting on our shoulders during times of joy. 

You see evidence of our desire to be connected and to belong all around us.We create play groups for our children and book clubs to discuss our favorite reads. We organize exercise and running groups, sewing and knitting groups, and bible discussion groups. Which is exactly what we should do. In the absence of a "village," we need to create one for ourselves. 

So, what else can we do to reestablish our connection with others? We first make the decision that this is not the way. No man is an island. We weren't intended to do this life thing alone. As Beth Berry said so eloquently, "We're supposed to be crying, celebrating, falling down and rising together."

And then, we:

* Allow ourselves to be vulnerable

* Bring our strengths to the table 

* Choose to connect with those we meet

* Be a part of something that matters to us

* Choose a path and share our hearts and visions

  We hope we can be considered a part of your tribe! It is such an important part of our journey and essential to having the support we need to be who we were truly intended to be. Come and visit! 

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